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  • 李锦铨 国家优秀青年基金获得者
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    《细胞生物学》、《Food security and Food safety》、《食品安全检测技术》、《食品生物技术》、《食品微生物研究进展》


李锦铨,best365官网登录入口教授,长期致力于食源性病原菌的噬菌体防控机制研究和噬菌体暗物质的发掘。率先建立了沙门氏菌、大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、副溶血弧菌、气单胞菌等重要食源性病原菌的噬菌体库,为实现我国噬菌体产业自主生产积累资源,相关技术可应用于食品安全、也可用于替代饲料和养殖中的抗菌物质。通过组学方法高通量分离和筛选到噬菌体裂解酶、噬菌肽和多糖解聚酶等噬菌体产物,可作为绿色新型的抗菌分子可替代医用抗生素。运用无痕基因编辑技术构建噬菌体生产底盘细胞。此外,发掘新型噬菌体、益生噬菌体以及噬菌体与机体互作新机制。曾在中国食品学报、食品科学、EMBO Molecular Medicine、FEMS microbiology reviews、Journal of Controlled Release、The Journal of Infectious Diseases、Food control、International Journal of Food Microbiology、Virulence、Infection and immunity等期刊发表论文40余篇。主持国家自然科学基金4项、湖北省自科基金中美合作专项1项、湖北省自然科学基金1项,参加国家重点研发计划1项,授权专利10余项。任《best365官网登录入口学报》青年编委, MDPI-antibiotics和Frontiers in Microbiology主题编辑,《畜牧兽医学报》、《食品科学》、《中国渔业质量与标准》、《食品安全质量检测学报》、Microbiology Spectrum、Veterinary Microbiology、BMC Genomics、Infection and Immunity和International Journal of Food Microbiology等期刊审稿人。


2005-2009 best365官网登录入口/生物技术/学士
2009-2013 best365官网登录入口/预防兽医/博士,导师:陈焕春院士
2011-2013 Montana State University/感染与免疫/中美联培博士


2021-至今best365官网登录入口 教授
2021-至今 上海噬菌体与耐药研究所 兼职PI
2020-至今 best365官网登录入口/交叉科学研究院 研究员
2020-至今 洛克菲勒大学/噬菌体与传染病 客座研究员
2018-2020 洛克菲勒大学/传染病 博士后 合作导师:Vincent A. Fischetti教授
2013-2021 best365官网登录入口讲师、副教授


1. 耐药食源性病原菌噬菌体资源库和绿色生产工艺(发酵工艺,纳米包埋技术)
2. 基于组学技术高通量筛选新型噬菌体裂解酶/噬菌肽
3. 新功能噬菌体和益生噬菌体的发掘(编辑肠道菌群、食品安全防控、肿瘤微环境、代谢性疾病)
4. 食品安全快速检测技术


1. 人兽共患病与公共卫生,2024.01-2026.12,国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金项目,主持
3. 农业农村部农业科研杰出人才培养计划,2021.09至2022.09,主持
4. 高效裂解耐药大肠杆菌的非透膜剂依赖型噬菌体裂解酶作用机制研究, 2021.1-2024.12,国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持
5. 噬菌体多糖解聚酶介导的肠炎沙门氏菌生物被膜消除机制, 2018.1-2021.12,国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持
6.“十四五”国家重点研发计划“猪细菌性疫病新型疫苗创制”项目子课题, 2022.11-2025.12,国家重点研发计划,主持
7. 猪链球菌2型内皮素转化酶的致病机制研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,2016.1-2018.12,主持
8. 耐药梭菌噬菌体高效裂解酶的发掘和作用机制研究,2019.1-2020.12,湖北省技术创新专项,主持
9. 湖北地区小龙虾中副溶血弧菌污染状况和污染机制研究,2015.1-2016.12,湖北省自然科学基金,主持
10. 重要食源性致病菌耐药机制及传播规律研究,2018.1-2021.12,国家重点研发计划,研究骨干



A1. Geng Zou, Lijun He, Jing Rao, Zhiyong Song, Hu Du, Runze Li, Wenjing Wang, Yang Zhou, Lu Liang, Huanchun Chen, Jinquan Li*. Improving the safety and efficacy of phage therapy from the perspective of phage-mammal interactions. FEMS microbiology reviews. 2023 Jul 5;47(4): fuad042.
A2. Xingxing Dong#, Yanjie Chao#, Yang Zhou, Rui Zhou, Wei Zhang, Vincent A. Fischetti, Xiaohong Wang, Ye Feng*, Jinquan Li*. The global emergence of a novel Streptococcus suis clade associated with human infections. EMBO Molecular Medicine, 2021, e13810(本研究被Nature选为全球研究热点Research Highlights并在主页专题报道)
A3. Yang Zhou, Xingxing Dong, Zhiwei Li, Geng Zou, Li Lin, Xiaohong Wang, Huanchun Chen, Robin B. Gasser, Jinquan Li*. Predominance of Streptococcus suis ST1 and ST7 in human cases in China, and detection of a novel sequence type, ST658. Virulence, 2017, 8(6):1031-1035.
A4. Xingxing Dong, Zhi Li, Xiaohong Wang, Min Zhou, Li Lin, Yang Zhou, Jinquan Li*. Characteristics of Vibrio parahaemolyticus isolates obtained from crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) in freshwater. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 2016:132-138.
A5. Xingxing Dong, Xiaohong Wang, Xingchun Chen, Zhiyun Yan, Jing Cheng, Liangliang Gao, Yuan Liu, Jinquan Li*. Genetic Diversity and Virulence Potential of Staphylococcus aureus Isolated from Crayfish (Procambarus clarkii). Current Microbiology, 2017, 74(1):28-33.
B 噬菌体库和噬菌体/裂解酶食品安全控制技术
B1. Geng Zou, Libère Ndayishimiye, Lingxiang Xin, Manshan Cai, Longjian Zhang, Jie Li , Zhiyong Song, Renwei Wu, Yang Zhou, Yuanguo Shi, Yingwang Ye, Rui Zhou, Jinquan Li*.Application of a novel phage LPCS28 for biological control of Cronobacter sakazakii in milk and reconstituted powdered infant formula. Food Research International, 2023,172: 113214.
B2. Chad W Euler, Assaf Raz, Anaise Hernandez, Anna Serrano, Siyue Xu, Martin Andersson, Geng Zou, Yue Zhang, Vincent A Fischetti, Jinquan Li*. PlyKp104, a Novel Phage Lysin for the Treatment of Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Other Gram-Negative ESKAPE Pathogens. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 2023,17;67(5): e0151922.
B3.Yue Zhang, Geng Zou, Md Sharifull Islam, Kun Liu, Suqiang Xue, Zhiyong Song, Yingwang Ye, Yang Zhou, Yuanguo Shi, Shaozhong Wei, Rui Zhou, Huanchun Chen, Jinquan Li*. Combine thermal processing with polyvalent phage LPEK22 to prevent the Escherichia coli and Salmonella enterica contamination in food. Food Research International, 2022, 165:112454.
B4. Lin Teng, Geng Zou, Yang Zhou, Jie Li, Zhiyong Song, Xingxing Dong, Zhengxin Ma, Zhijie Zheng, Huanchun Chen,Li Jinquan*.Phage controlling method against novel freshwater-derived Vibrio parahaemolyticus in ready-to-eat crayfish (Procambarus clarkii). Food Research International, 2022,162:111986.
B5. Yating Guo#, Jie Li#, Md.Sharifull Islam, Ting Yan, Yang Zhou, Lu Liang, Ian F.Connerton, Kai Deng, Jinquan Li*. Application of a novel phage vB_SalS-LPSTLL for biological control of Salmonella in foods. Food Research International, 2021, 147:110492.
B6. Siyue Xu, Edmondo Campisi*, Jinquan Li*, Vincent A. Fischetti. Decontamination of Escherichia coli O157:H7 on Fresh Romaine Lettuce Using a Novel Bacteriophage Lysin. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 2021, 341:109068.
B7. Sharifull Islam, Md, Xiangwei Yang, Chad W. Euler, Xueqing Han, Jiahui Liu, Isrfil Hossen, Md, Yang Zhou, Jinquan Li*. Application of a novel phage ZPAH7 for controlling multidrug-resistant Aeromonas hydrophila on lettuce and reducing biofilms. Food Control, 2021, 122 :107785
B8. Md. Sharifull Islam, Yang Zhou, Lu Liang, Ishatur Nime, Ting Yan, Stephan P. Willias, Md. Zakaria Mia, Weicheng Bei, Ian F. Connerton, Vincent A. Fischetti, Jinquan Li*. Application of a Broad Range Lytic Phage LPST94 for Biological Control of Salmonella in Foods. Microorganisms, 2020, 8(2):247.
B9. Ting Yan, Lu Liang, Ping Yin, Yang Zhou, Ashraf Mahdy Sharoba, Qun Lu, Xingxing Dong, Kun Liu, Ian F. Connerton, Jinquan Li*. Application of a Novel Phage LPSEYT for Biological Control of Salmonella in Foods. Microorganisms, 2020, 8(3):400.
B10. Md. Sharifull Islam, Yang Zhou, Lu Liang, Ishatur Nime, Kun Liu, Ting Yan, Xiaohong Wang, Jinquan Li*. Application of a Phage Cocktail for Control of Salmonella in Foods and Reducing Biofilms. Viruses, 2019, 11(9): 841.
B11. Chenxi Huang, Safiullah M. Virk, Jianchun Shi, Yang Zhou, Stephan P. Willias, Mohamed K. Morsy, Hazem E. Abdelnabby, Jie Liu, Xiaohong Wang*, Jinquan Li*. Isolation, Characterization, and Application of Bacteriophage LPSE1 Against Salmonella enterica in Ready to Eat (RTE) Foods. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2018, 9:1046.
B12. 一种人工合成的噬菌肽SEYT1及其应用. CN 114907451 B.发明专利
B13. 一株能够裂解阪崎肠杆菌的广谱噬菌体LPCS28及应用. CN 115011564 B.发明专利
B14. 一种源于沙门氏菌噬菌体基因编码的蛋白在作为革兰氏阴性菌裂解酶中的应用. CN112175928A. 发明专利.
B15. 一种肠炎沙门氏菌噬菌体LPSE28及其在食品中的应用. CN108546685B. 发明专利. 2021.01. 中国. 1/9.
B16. 一种沙门氏菌噬菌体LPSE34及其在食品中的应用. CN108588037B. 发明专利. 1/9.
B17. 一种主效成分为噬菌体LPEE17和LPEK22的混合制剂及应用. CN110317793B. 发明专利. 2020.06. 中国. 1/4.
B18. 沙门氏菌噬菌体和噬菌体抗菌组合物及其应用. CN106497888B. 发明专利. 2018.06. 中国. 1/8.
B19. 一种宽谱沙门氏菌噬菌体LPSTLL及应用. CN109825479B. 发明专利. 2019.02. 中国. 2/7.
B20. 吕阳(本科生),尹平,Khairy Morsy MOHAMED,高磊,袁超,周洋,邱宁,邹璐瑶,李志,Abdelnabby HAZEM,王小红,李锦铨*. 噬菌体在食品安全控制中的研究进展, 食品科学, 2018,(15):240-246.
B21. 郭浩然(本科生),许菁彦,周 洋,李子齐,邱熠鑫,魏 麟,董星星,李锦铨*. 噬菌体分布的广泛性以及口服安全性,中国食品学报,2021, 21(02):349-357.
C1. Zhiwei Li, Peixi Chang, Jiali Xu, Chen Tan, Xiaohong Wang, Weicheng Bei, Jinquan Li*. A Streptococcus suis Live Vaccine Suppresses Streptococcal Toxic Shock-Like Syndrome and Provides Sequence Type Independent Protection. The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2019, 219(3): 448-458.
C2. Jinquan Li﹟, Chen Tan﹟, Yang Zhou, Shulin Fu, Linlin Hu, Jin Hu, Huanchun Chen, Weicheng Bei*.The two-component regulatory system CiaRH contributes to the virulence of Streptococcus suis 2. Veterinary Microbiology, 2011, 148(1):99-104.
C3. Ying Zhou, Ruonan Nie, Xiaoyue Liu, Jinghui Kong, Xiaohong Wang, Jinquan Li*. GntR is involved in the expression of virulence in strain Streptococcus suis P1/7. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 2018, 365(14).
C4. 一种无抗生素标记的嗜水气单胞菌减毒菌及应用.CN105886429B.发明专利.
D1. Yufan Yang, Hu Du, Geng Zou, Zhiyong Song, Yang Zhou, Hao Li, Chen Tan, Huanchun Chen, Vincent A Fischetti, Jinquan Li*. Encapsulation and delivery of phage as a novel method for gut flora manipulation in situ: A review. Journal of Controlled Release, 2023,353: 634-649.
D2. Yu Jin, Ke Liu, Guangqiang Li, Chengfei Li, Zhidong Xiao, Chao Yuan*, Jinquan Li*. In situ reduction triggers the highly sensitive detection of pesticide by classic gold nanoparticle and quantum dots nanocomposite. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2021, 1172:338679
D3. Responsive metal–organic framework nanocarrier delivery system: An effective solution against bacterial infection. Yi Liu, Jinmei Wu, Weihui Li, Jinquan Li, Heyou Han, Zhiyong Song*. Coordination Chemistry Reviews 496, (2023) 215431
D4. Shaping Huang, Liping Song, Zhidong Xiao*, Yue Hu, Meiwen Peng, Jinquan Li, Xinsheng Zheng, Bin Wu, Chao Yuan*. Graphene quantum dot-decorated mesoporous silica nanoparticles for high aspirin loading capacity and its pH-triggered release. Analytical Methods, 2016, 8(12)
D5. Ahmed Mohamed, Xuemeng Li, Jinquan Li, Chuangye Lin, Abdullah M. Asiri, Hadi M. Marwani, Suhua Wang, Zhidong Xiao*, Bin Li*, Chao Yuan*. Single microbead-based fluorescence "turn on" detection of biothiols by flow cytometry. Talanta, 2019, 195
D6. 魏 麟(本科生),朱方莉,周 洋,Khairy Morsy MOHAMED,袁 超,董星星,王小红,李锦铨*. 噬菌体在检测食源性病原菌中的应用研究进展. 食品科学, 2018,(1):314-322.
D7. 一种鸡常见食源性细菌四重荧光PCR检测试剂盒及使用方法. CN103436626B.发明专利.
D8. 一种猪链球菌2型的SS2-LAMP检测试剂盒及应用.CN104404132B.发明专利
D9. 一种区分猪链球菌爆发菌株和散发菌株的检测引物和应用.CN106868143B.发明专利
E 病原菌免疫逃逸机制和疫苗研发
E1. Feng Liu#, Jinquan Li#, Kang Yan, Huan Li, Chengfeng Sun, Shuo Zhang, Fangyan Yuan, Xiangru Wang, Chen Tan, Huanchun Chen, Weicheng Bei*, Binding of Fibronectin to SsPepO Facilitates the Development of Streptococcus suis Meningitis, The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2018, 217(6):973-982.
E2. Jinquan Li, Guanghui Liu,Wenchao Feng,Yang Zhou, Mengyao Liu, James A. Wileya and Benfang Lei*. Neutrophils Select Hypervirulent CovRS Mutants of M1T1 Group A Streptococcus during Subcutaneous Infection of Mice. Infection and Immunity, 2014, 82(4):1579-90.
E3. Jinquan Li, Hui Zhu, Wenchao Feng, Mengyao Liu, Yingli Song, Xiaolan Zhang, Yang Zhou, Weicheng Bei, Benfang Lei*. Regulation of Inhibition of Neutrophil Infiltration by Two-Component Regulatory System CovRS in Subcutaneous Mouse Infection with Group A Streptococcus. Infection and Immunity, 2013, 81(3): 974-983.
E4. Yachan Ji﹟, Jinquan Li﹟, Zhendong Qin, Aihua Li, Zemao Gua, Xiaoling Liu, Li Lin, Yang Zhou*. Contribution of nuclease to the pathogenesis of Aeromonas hydrophila. Virulence, 2015, 6(5):515-22. doi: 10.1080/21505594.2015.1049806.
E5. Liping Feng, Xiaona Niu, Wen Mei, Weitian Li, Yuan Liu, Stephan P. Willias, ChaoYuan, Weicheng Bei, Xiaohong Wang, Jinquan Li*. Immunogenicity and protective capacity of EF-Tu and FtsZ of Streptococcus suis serotype 2 against lethal infection. Vaccine, 2018, 36(19):2581-2588.
E6. 一种猪链球菌2型10基因缺失株及应用. CN106085936B.发明专利
E7. 一种猪链球菌2型五基因缺失株及应用.CN105316252B.发明专利
E8. 一种高致病性嗜水气单胞菌及应用.CN105695372B.发明专利


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